The COVID-19 pandemic has tested the mettle of countless individuals and industries. Yet, during these times of uncertainty, NAFA remains a passionate part of the creative industry and continues to stay ahead of the curve.
The indefatigable waves capture NAFA’s unwavering spirit of creativity, exploration and resilience. As we prudently navigate our way towards a new normal, we continue to discover innovative ways to excel in this new environment.
We remain steadfast in our mission to inspire learning and growth through the arts.
Although rare, a once-in-lifetime global cataclysm might force us into introspection and dramatically alter our methods and perspectives just to survive. COVID-19 proved to be that adjuvant. At Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), where challenges are invariably seen as opportunities to grow, we looked not just to survive, but to thrive. Looking back at the past year, the pandemic served as a chapter for renewal as we stayed true to the NAFA spirit of creativity, exploration and resilience. I express my gratitude to the steadfast organisational leadership seen at all levels throughout the academy, from staff to faculty. Together, we have weathered one year of the pandemic and defied adversity.
Before moving forward, it is important to take stock of past milestones, celebrate our achievements, bookmark our highlights and commemorate our efforts. When COVID-19 first struck us, unprecedented safe management measures were put in place, unravelling events that have been conscientiously planned for. In the early months of Singapore’s Circuit Breaker, our NAFA family worked feverishly to adapt to new regulations and ensure the safety of our community, digitising suitable physical facets of shows and exhibitions for online audiences, while postponing and restructuring others. It is this agility, combined with creative problem solving, that ensured our classes, programmes and exhibitions smoothly transited into the new normal.
In this Year in Review, you will read about the many events and projects that have carried on in virtual and physical formats, and the challenges and competitions which students have put themselves through as they boldly went forth against all odds in the pursuit of excellence. From exhibitions which traversed difficult themes to online fundraising efforts put up by alumni scholars, from virtual music competitions for our young talents to being a part of TEDxSingapore, these are testimonies of the passion and resilience of the NAFA community.
Growing from strength to strength, NAFA announced three new degree programmes for art and design in Singapore, in partnership with the world leading University of the Arts London (UAL). With UAL joining the Royal College of Music and University of Essex as NAFA’s partners, it underscored NAFA’s global outlook and foresight in providing strong and diverse academic pathways, cementing its eminent status in Asia. This move looks to nurture our students to be versatile and harness a critical transdisciplinary perspective for an ever-changing arts landscape.
This metamorphic announcement was followed swiftly by the establishment of a new-found alliance between NAFA and LASALLE College of the Arts, to launch Singapore’s first university of the arts. The alliance enables both institutions to gather their finest minds and best resources, strengthen the tertiary arts education pathways in Singapore, advance the nation’s creative talent pool and raise the quality of the arts in the region. It also looks to expand on the diversity of opportunities for both students and faculty. Moreover, this move cements NAFA’s position of prominence around the globe.
In obscure times, it is clear that NAFA remains focused on our mission to inspire learning and growth through the arts, while staying true to our vision and core values. Moving forward, it is imperative that we stay on track as a leading arts institution, to enrich lives and communities through education and practice. The NAFA spirit of creativity, exploration and resilience is the golden thread which underpins our academy’s philosophy. This will not change and remains ever relevant.
I would like to express my appreciation to our dedicated Board members, management, faculty and staff for standing by NAFA when the academy most needs you, and for your endeavours in helping us flourish. To our friends and partners, donors, alumni; as well as the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, thank you for your continuous and invaluable support. We look forward to another year of success with you. To our ex-President Mr Chia Mia Chiang, thank you for your many years of hard work, leadership and devotion to NAFA—you have redefined and refined our institution towards greatness, and our new President Mrs Tan-Soh Wai Lan will continue your good work to steer us in the right direction.
NAFA’s legacy does not belong to any one individual, but is the collective spirit and efforts of all who have walked through its doors. While we take on another year of highs and lows, remember that every one of you can make a positive change to NAFA and the greater arts industry. It is now more than ever, that the world can be made a brighter and more inclusive space through the arts. Let us continue to make and be the difference.
Ms Low Sin Leng
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
Mr Wee Ee Cheong
Deputy Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer
United Overseas Bank Limited
Ms Low Sin Leng
Mr Chew Sin Hwa
General Manager
Kalrez Petroleum (Seram) Ltd
Mr Chia Wee Boon
Singapore Telecommunications Limited
Ms Harasha bte Khalid Bafana
Business Owner
Prof Heng Chye Kiang
Department of Architecture
School of Design and Environment
National University of Singapore
Mr Hoong Bee Lok
Group Chief Infrastructure Officer
Corporate Infrastructure Office
National University Health System
Dr Ernest Kan Yaw Kiong
Senior Advisor
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Mr Aun Koh
(from 1 Jan 2021)
Director of Content and Communications
Dr Kwong Yuk Wah
Vice President
Singapore Computer Society
Mr Latiff Ibrahim
Ramdas & Wong
Mr Leong Weng Kam
Prof Elvin Lim Tze Kiat
(from 1 Jan 2021)
Core Curriculum
Professor of Political Science
Wee Kim Wee Centre
Singapore Management University
Ms Christine Low Chi Kien
Lead Project Director
New National Cancer Centre Building
Director, Development Secretariat
Eastern General Hospital Planning Office
Part-time Lecturer
Department of the Built Environment
School of Design and Environment
National University of Singapore
Mr Low Eng Teong
Deputy Chief Executive
Sector Development Group
National Arts Council
Mr Simon Ong Chin Sim
Deputy Chairman
Kingsmen Creatives Ltd
Mr Tan Li Sheng
(from 1 Jan 2021)
Higher Education Planning Office
Higher Education Group
Ministry of Education
Ms Yvonne Tham Kwang Hsueh
Chief Executive Officer
The Esplanade Co Ltd
Mr Kennie Ting Wei Jin
Asian Civilisations Museum and Peranakan Museum
Group Director of Museums
National Heritage Board
Associate Prof Jesvin Yeo Puay Hwa
Associate Dean
College of Humanities, Arts and
Social Sciences
Nanyang Technological University
Dr Chia Wei Khuan
(till 31 Dec 2020)
Ms Joan Moh Jiehui
(till 31 Dec 2020)
Divisional Director
Higher Education (Planning, Skills
and Academic Research)
Higher Education Group
Ministry of Education
(till 3 Jun 2021)
Executive Committee
Ms Low Sin Leng
Mr Hoong Bee Lok
Dr Ernest Kan Yaw Kiong
Mr Leong Weng Kam
Mr Simon Ong Chin Sim
Mr Tan Li Sheng
Mrs Tan-Soh Wai Lan
Academic Quality Assurance Committee
Dr Chia Wei Khuan
Associate Prof Jesvin Yeo Puay Hwa
Mrs Tan-Soh Wai Lan
Audit and Risk Management Committee
Dr Ernest Kan Yaw Kiong
Ms Christine Low Chi Kien
Mr Kennie Ting Wei Jin
Establishment Committee
Ms Low Sin Leng
Mr Chia Wee Boon
Mr Tan Li Sheng
Mrs Tan-Soh Wai Lan
Estates and Assets Committee
Mr Hoong Bee Lok
Mr Low Eng Teong
Mrs Tan-Soh Wai Lan
Co-opted Member
Mr Lee Boon Woei
Finance and Investment Committee
Mr Simon Ong Chin Sim
Dr Kwong Yuk Wah
Ms Yvonne Tham Kwang Hsueh
Mrs Tan-Soh Wai Lan
Marketing and Sponsorship Committee
Dr Lucy Ooi
Ms Harasha bte Khalid Bafana
Mr Chew Sin Hwa
Mrs Tan-Soh Wai Lan
Mrs Tan-Soh Wai Lan
Mr Jerry Soo Tah Keng
Vice President (Academic)
Ms Carol Tan Mei Mei
Vice President (Corporate Services)
Mr Khor Kok Wah
Vice President (Industry and Projects)
Ms Ho Hui May
Office of Academic Affairs
Ms Sabrina Long Chin Ling
School of Art and Design
Mr Richard John Adams
School of Arts Management,
Dance and Theatre
Dr Ernest Lim Hung Choong
School of Music
Dr Jeffery Tan
Centre for Lifelong Education
Mr Lim Yau
Artistic Director
School of Music
Mdm Fang Yuan
School of Young Talents
Ms Carol Sim Soek Cheng
Senior Director
Student Services Division
Dr Tan Lay Pheng
(from 1 Apr 2021)
Industry and Projects, and
President’s Office
Ms Hazel Chan Hui Shih
Strategic Development Division
Planning and Projects Office
Dr Bridget Tracy Tan
Institute of Southeast Asian Arts
and Art Galleries
Mr Wong Kron Joo
Finance Office
Mr William Teo Siu Jin
Student Admissions Office
Ms Tay Chor Ngo
Office of Student Affairs
Mr Ivan Chan Keng Hong
Office of Student Care
Ms Oscar Ng Hwee Leng
Alumni Relations Office
Ms Jennifer Yong-Chor Poh Chin
Ms Sim Choo Lee
Human Resources Office
Mr Zulkifli Bin Osman
Information Technology Office
Mr Xavier Tan Ting Xuan
Estate Management Office
Ms June Tan Phuay Joo
Corporate Communications Office
Mr Norvin Teo Meng Wee
Education and Career Guidance Office
Mr Joshua Tan Guang Liang
Quality Assurance Office
NAFA’s spirit of creativity, exploration and resilience has shone brightly as we continue to embrace development and progress to inspire learning and growth through the arts in the ongoing pandemic.
Our initiatives, collaborations and events—designed to impact lives and communities in meaningful and positive ways—have reached ever wider audiences with the use of technology.
The year of 2020/21 also saw the institution scale new heights and cement our reputation as a leading arts institution regionally and globally. Together with esteemed partners, NAFA offers three new degree programmes for art and design in Singapore, and will establish a new local arts university in the near future.
NAFA and UAL partner to offer transdisciplinary degrees
A visit to the University of the Arts London (UAL) in January 2020 was a catalyst which kickstarted the degree collaboration with NAFA. In spite of COVID-19 restrictions, the collaboration grew from strength to strength through frequent virtual meetings and emails that connected the institutions across borders. More importantly, a shared goal to deliver excellent educational experiences saw the project to completion.
The three degrees offered in this partnership feature a distinctive transdisciplinary curriculum that nurtures students to develop as versatile artists and designers. Fine artists will be able to delve into 2D, 3D and 4D mediums; design students will collaborate with classmates from different specialisations in project work; and dance and theatre undergraduates can expect to dabble in both practices during the course of their study.
The momentous partnership was launched on 7 January 2021 across time zones to an international audience attending in person and online. The ceremony was officiated by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat and witnessed by Minister of State for Education and Manpower Gan Siow Huang, Second Permanent Secretary for Education Lai Wei Lin and NAFA Board Chairman Low Sin Leng. Pro Vice-Chancellor of UAL and Head of Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges of Arts Professor David Crow who attended virtually from London, and NAFA President Tan Wai Lan were the signatories of the agreement.
The presence of a physical albeit small audience energised the NAFA dance and theatre students who put up dynamic performances which were beamed live to the virtual audience. Multidisciplinary works by students from the School of Art and Design that demonstrated their creativity and range of exploration were also on display at the ceremony.
NAFA and UAL Partner to offer transdisciplinary degrees
NAFA and LASALLE establish alliance to form Singapore’s first university of the arts
NAFA and LASALLE establish alliance to form Singapore’s first university of the arts
In a landmark alliance, NAFA and LASALLE College of the Arts will jointly establish the first arts university in Singapore, thus providing another avenue to an arts education in Singapore, and taking local tertiary arts education to greater heights.
This announcement made the headlines and generated much excitement among the arts community. It affirmed the good work that NAFA’s staff, students and graduates have done over the years, and recognised the importance of the creative arts in Singapore.
The private university is established with the support of the Singapore government and will be able to confer its own degrees in three to four years’ time. NAFA and LASALLE will remain distinct and independent private education institutions, offering their own programmes and preserving their unique heritages.
In this partnership, the two established arts institutions will work to enhance staff and student experiences, provide greater opportunities for cross-institution modules and projects as well as joint academic collaborations, and gain accessibility to more resources.
NAFA Virtual Open House 2021
The annual NAFA Open House is a highly anticipated event for aspiring arts students who get a glimpse of the dynamic life in the academy and the value of an enriching arts education. The 2021 event was the academy’s first-ever virtual edition which attracted 903 attendees from across the globe. Themed ‘Rise Up’, the event embodies NAFA’s spirit of creativity, exploration and resilience, while encouraging arts aspirants to pursue their dreams boldly.
During the Open House, attendees had the opportunity to visit the academy through an interactive artist’s impression of the unique campus façade and a virtual campus tour. The one-stop online platform also had virtual booths that allowed prospective students to chat with faculty members one-to-one, or in groups. These virtual booths were designed by NAFA’s 3D Design students—Vina Lumenta and Angelina Natasha, under the guidance of Programme Leader and Lecturer, 3D Design, Tanny Wong.
Although a virtual event, participants did not leave empty-handed as a ‘Swag Bag’ download that included videos, brochures and other information was available as a souvenir.
eGrad Expectations 2020
eGrad Expectations 2020 was an immersive large-scale digital showcase of over 600 works created by about 700 graduating diploma and degree students from the School of Art and Design (SOAD). The showcase opened with a live ceremony on 7 July 2020 that featured speeches from key management staff and awards presentations to recognise outstanding graduands. The following awards were presented—NAFA Fine Art Graduating Awards 2020, supported by Woon Brothers Foundation; 3DD Live Collaboration with ESR-Reit Awards; and the SOAD Best Studentship Awards.
The showcase presented works by graduands from SOAD’s 3D Design, Design & Media, Fashion Studies, and Fine Art Programmes, who pushed through challenges posed by the pandemic to complete their studies and submit their showcase portfolios. In collaboration with Popspoken, NAFA’s Best Fashion Collections 2020 were presented in a virtual runway show produced by Daniel Boey. Boundaries of various disciplines were also redrawn and new perspectives were created as works were taken beyond the physical realm in a first-ever virtual SOAD graduation showcase.
More importantly, eGrad Expectations 2020 served as a platform for companies to get to know NAFA students as potential hires and preview their portfolios through an industry match-up service. Apart from the Industry Portfolio Interview Session, interactions between students, faculty, alumni and industry experts were enhanced by #GucciFR, a daily live chat. Interviews with graduating students about their time at NAFA were also screened.
eGrad Expectations 2020 ran from 8 to 16 July 2020.
NAFA Convocation 2020: A Celebration of Hope and Resilience
For the first time in the academy’s 82 years, the annual Convocation Ceremony was held virtually on 25 September 2020. As the academy circumvented challenges to present the momentous occasion for our graduates and their loved ones, we celebrated the achievements of 905 graduands from 18 diploma and nine degree courses. It was a hallmark of ingenuity and resilience consequential to the pandemic, and a celebration of hope and strength for the class of 2020 as they chartered new paths.
The virtual ceremony began with welcome remarks from the President of NAFA. This was followed by words of encouragement from the Deans of the School of Art and Design, the School of Arts Management, Dance and Theatre, and the School of Music. Valedictorians from each academic school also delivered speeches to inspire and encourage their fellow graduates. Certificates as well as awards such as the Embassy of Peru Award, The Ngee Ann Kongsi Gold Medal, and the Wu Tsung Kan Book Prize were conferred during the ceremony.
To date, over 15,000 individuals have graduated from NAFA. Many have gone on to contribute to the arts and creative landscape both at home and abroad, garnering numerous accolades and awards along the way.
An internal survey conducted showed that NAFA diploma graduates in full-time permanent jobs earn a median gross monthly salary of S$2,000 and NAFA degree graduates in full-time permanent jobs earn a median gross monthly salary of S$2,500. The graduates also continue to secure some of the most sought-after roles in the region’s arts scene.
3D Design Live Forums
Another first for NAFA during this pandemic was the 3D Design Facebook live forums organised and curated by the NAFA 3D Design Alumni Chapter and Alumni Relations Office. The forum series sought to share about the outlook and trends of the 3D design industry with NAFA alumni and students, and to foster a stronger bond between the academy and alumni chapter members. Panel speakers consisted of established and emerging NAFA alumni in the field of 3D design and beyond.
Several hot topics including ‘Has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we see design?’, whether design is an essential trade and how design thinking continues to affect our way of lives were addressed. With uncertainty surrounding career prospects in the creative industries, the forums also necessarily reflected on the future of design.
The entire series, which can be viewed here, garnered 10,000 outreach and 400 followers from 12 to 26 November 2020.
Inaugural Arts Management Digital Showcase and Yearbooks
The Arts Management Programme initiated several projects which aim to provide greater exposure for new graduates of the programme and give them a head start as they prepare to join the workforce in the midst of a pandemic that has slowed down the economy.
For the first time, a digital showcase was launched to present projects by students graduating with a Diploma in Arts Management, and poster presentations in research initiatives by graduating students of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Arts Management course.
The diploma and degree yearbooks were circulated amongst stakeholders and potential employers in the arts community.
Inaugural Arts Management Digital Showcase and Yearbooks
Nanyang International Piano Academy 2021
Nanyang International Piano Academy 2021
Nanyang International Piano Academy (NIPA) 2021 attracted 84 participants from six countries—Singapore, China, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia and the United States. In spite of the challenges posed by the pandemic, the 2021 NIPA was held successfully in both virtual and face-to-face formats. A panel of 12 international piano faculty members taught over 80 hours of piano lessons, conducted eight talks and workshops, and judged two competitions during the four-day musical experience. This annual gathering for like-minded music lovers is a platform for participants to pursue a higher standard of music making. Watch the digital student concert here.
TO BOLDLY _______ with TEDxSingapore
‘TO BOLDLY’ was the theme of a month-long community event organised by TEDxSingapore. This included a digital event that livestreamed on 20 March 2021 and exhibitions at Marina One that ran from 20 March to 24 April 2021. From NAFA, the Dance Programme, the School of Art and Design, and the Special Projects Unit presented works on the theme.
An excerpt from Barem (Hope) was presented during TEDxSingapore’s first digital event. Performed by NAFA’s dance students, Barem (Hope) sought to convey the message that hope is like a fragile yet beautiful bubble. It was choreographed by Adjunct Lecturer, Dance, Son Yu Joung with music composed by Armand Amar.
TO BOLDLY CREATE was an exhibition featuring artworks by NAFA’s School of Art and Design. The artworks explored themes of materiality and processes by taking a closer look at the skill and dexterity borne from a rigorous refining process. This celebration of hard work in the creative process was also a manifestation of the NAFA spirit of creativity, exploration and resilience.
Finally, Envisioning a Post-Pandemic Future was a 10-week research project undertaken by a group of NAFA diploma graduates and students. Team members identified five emerging trends within new and existing markets that designers can explore, and which would help determine the skills students need to master to stay relevant. The research was carried out between June and August 2020 and is part of Talent Development initiatives, spearheaded by the Special Projects Unit within the Planning and Projects Office. This culminated in an exhibition that was part of TedxSingapore’s community event.
TO BOLDLY _______ with TEDxSingapore
NAFA x Radin Mas Community Arts & Culture Clubs (CACC)
NAFA x Radin Mas Community Arts & Culture Clubs (CACC)
The 3D Design Programme was approached by Radin Mas CACC to work on a mural for the Residents’ Committee Centre located at Bukit Purmei Zone ‘A’, following a successful completion of an art installation in 2020, which revolves around community inclusivity. The void deck of Blk 108 Bukit Purmei Road was transformed into a heritage art walk with a ‘fitness for life’ theme. The mural depicted the legend of Radin Mas Ayu, a Javanese princess who grew up in a village located within Telok Blangah.
The community engagement project was led by Programme Leader (Interior and Exhibition) and Lecturer, 3D Design, Veronica Yew, and Teaching Assistant, Chen Jiawen, and saw the participation of 10 Year 2 and 3 Interior and Exhibition students. Residents in the area also participated in the mural painting during the weekends. The participating students and project leaders were invited to witness the commissioning of this mural by Grassroots Advisor, Mr Melvin Yong.
More about this meaningful project and the students’ design concepts can be viewed here.
NAFA x NTUC Club Downtown East
At the invitation of NTUC Club Downtown East, students from the Diploma in Design (Furniture and Spatial) course made proposals to transform the NTUC Club’s office space. The designs addressed the needs of a ‘New Normal’ for workplaces in a pandemic, such as social distancing, and convertible workstations. The design project counted towards the diploma students’ Final Year Project submission.
NAFA x NTUC Club Downtown East
NAFA x Jalan Besar Town Council
Year 2 Diploma in Design (Landscape and Architecture) students were given an opportunity to play a part in Jalan Besar Town Council’s five-year masterplan by proposing improvements to the open spaces found at Block 77, 78 and 79 Indus Road. The project, which is also part of the Housing & Development Board’s Home Improvement Programme, required students to repurpose the space by taking into consideration the needs of the community staying in the area. The design outcome was a multi-generational and nature-filled space that supports active ageing in the community.
Spatium Ignota
When the National Heritage Board called for proposals for the Singapore Night Festival 2020, NAFA Fine Art student Ummul Hasanah Binte Ahmad submitted Spatium Ignota, a physical installation that encourages viewers to relive their childhood definition of ‘play.’ Spatium Ignota was the winning student work and the installation was presented in the Bras Brasah.Bugis precinct in 2021.
In conceptualising and creating the installation structures, Hasanah took reference from her childhood memories of obstacle courses, origami soccer balls, and ninja stars to create an evolved play area. Through her art, Hasanah hoped to evoke a feeling of nostalgia and connect with those who have had similar experiences as her.
Spatium Ignota
Imagining New Futures
Imagining New Futures is a collaboration between the NAFA Fine Art Programme and Amsterdam-based multimedia artist Margret Wibmer, which began in December 2020. Year 2 Diploma in Fine Art students created works for their studio assessments in response to five themes provided by Margret Wibmer that contemplate and reflect the uncertainties that have arisen from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The fives themes are: Consumerism and Waste; Bodies and Screens; Maintenance and Care; Time and Space; and The Domestic—Notions of Home.
10 student projects were selected for an exhibition at Gillman Barracks. An online conversation and student-led exhibition tours were also held during the exhibition period from 14 to 23 May 2021.
From 7 to 31 January 2021, visitors to The Substation were treated to artworks by NAFA’s Year 2 Diploma in Fine Art students in an exhibition titled Wake. The multifaceted artworks were located throughout The Substation and led viewers on an immersive experience of the arts centre.
To create the artworks, the six participating artists viewed The Substation as a living, breathing entity with its organs and its own history, full of un/fortunate events. Each artwork drew on the peculiarities and distinctiveness of The Substation while questioning and hypothesising the life and non-existence of the arts space. It is a coincidence that the venue was announced to be closed permanently in March 2021 shortly after.
Let’s Celebrate 2021 with Mediacorp
Let’s Celebrate 2021 with Mediacorp
Mediacorp’s annual countdown celebration was a star-studded affair with local and international celebrities dialling in to the virtual event. A highlight of the night was a lit fashion show featuring creations by homegrown designers that included NAFA’s Fashion Studies alumni, Max Tan, Annie Chua and Darren Loh. The creations were worn by local celebrities who strutted down the Helix Bridge.
The Front Row
Singapore’s first virtual fashion festival, The Front Row kicked off on 20 August 2020. The 10-day online festival was initially conceptualised by fashion veteran Daniel Boey to circumvent pandemic restrictions for the annual NAFA fashion show. The idea then evolved into a full-scale free-to-view fashion festival showcasing local and regional labels. Although attendees missed out on the hustle and bustle of an in-person show, the virtual runway shows, fashion videos and short films were still able to bring the various creations to life on screens. For instance, NAFA alumni Max Tan and Gin Lee had their work staged and filmed in local art galleries which provided complementary backgrounds to their unique creations. The virtual experience was further enhanced by interactive workshops and post-show chats with the designers.
The Front Row was supported by Enterprise Singapore, a government agency that works with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate and internationalise.
The Front Row
NAFA x National Heritage Board – Balestier Heritage Trail
Final year Arts Management students collaborated with the National Heritage Board (NHB), under the Industry Project module, to produce an interactive digital trail named the ‘Modernisation of Balestier’.
With children as the project’s target audience, a friendly avatar named Tim plays host to visitors to the microsite that contains information about heritage sites in the Balestier area. Multi-generational businesses such as Lim Kay Khee Optical & Contact Lens Centre and Loong Fatt Tau Sar Piah are featured alongside important landmarks such as the Balestier Market to tell the story of Balestier’s journey towards modernisation.
Apart from this collaboration, students taking the Managing Heritage and Community Arts module also partnered with NHB and Asian Civilisations Museum to develop resources for self-guided tours for Asian Civilisations Museum.
NAFA x Esplanade – March On 2021
March On 2021 is Esplanade’s first performing arts festival for young audiences. NAFA Arts Management students were given the opportunity to programme 12 shows involving eight arts groups, which were staged at the Esplanade Concourse and Outdoor Theatre. Shows that NAFA students managed included Frission: An Afternoon of Music, String Favourites, Light Dance Performance and ONCE UPON A TALE: “Bringing old tales to life”.
The students had a meaningful learning experience as they dealt with issues and requirements for planning a festival in the performing arts, arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
NAFA x Esplanade – March On 2021
The Third Space
The Third Space
The Third Space is an annual showcase of pre-professional dance students from NAFA—future leaders of the dance industry. It is part of the Esplanade da:ns festival’s Next Generation platform, which allows young dancers from local arts institutions to hone their performance skills, through working with international and local choreographers. In 2020, choreographers from diverse backgrounds including Christina Chan (Singapore), NAFA Senior Lecturer, Dance, Dr Filomar Tariao (the Philippines) and NAFA Adjunct Lecturer, Dance, Yarra Ileto (Australia) positioned their work at the “inter”—defined by culture academic Homi Bhabha as the cutting edge of translation and negotiation. Bhabha’s theory on hybrid identities is used metaphorically to describe Singapore’s increasingly complex cultural landscape.
The choreographies were performed by talented NAFA dancers whose performances were not deterred by the safe management measures put in place for the arts and culture sector. Their dance passion and professionalism were displayed through their poised performances which were livestreamed on the NAFA YouTube channel on 27 and 28 November 2020.
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival: Havoc Girls and Kamikaze Boys
Havoc Girls and Kamikaze Boys was written by Nabilah Said, directed by Brian Gothong Tan, and co-presented with the M1 Singapore Fringe Festival. Inspired by world events such as the Arab Spring, the Hong Kong protests and the Tham Luang cave rescue in Thailand, the play was an exploration of young people’s experiences of traumatic social and political upheavals.
The performance by NAFA’s Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Theatre Arts (English Drama) students was reviewed by several media outlets. This included The Straits Times who praised the NAFA cast for “tackl(ing) the material with vigour, delivering a whole third of it in Cantonese”, in the Hong Kong riot scenes.
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival: Havoc Girls and Kamikaze Boys
The Present/Future Season 2020 with The Finger Players
The Present/Future Season 2020 with The Finger Players
The Theatre Programme’s partnership with The Finger Players in 2020 for the Year 3 module Industry Project marked the second time theatre students have collaborated with a major local theatre company. This follows the Theatre Programme’s first successful partnership with Toy Factory Productions Ltd in 2019.
Three plays were presented by NAFA’s Diploma in Theatre (English Drama) and Diploma in Theatre (Mandarin Drama) Year 3 students under the direction of renowned local directors, Oliver Chong, Chong Tze Chien and Ong Kian Sin.
The Present/Future Season 2020 offered students an opportunity to work in a professional setting and perform for members of the public. The performances which were livestreamed because of the COVID-19 pandemic allowed the student performances to reach a wider audience.
NAFA x National Gallery Singapore – Interdisciplinary creative responses to sculptures by Kim Lim
In response to British-Singaporean sculptor Kim Lim’s sculptures Day (1966), Echo (1967), Steps (1967) and Irrawaddy (1979) on display at the National Gallery Singapore (NGS), 17 dance diploma students from the Industry Project module and 18 music diploma students from the Improvisation Techniques module collaborated to create four new works. In their creations, the students from the two disciplines discussed how the choreography and composition could reflect the material, form and lines of Lim’s sculptures.
The four new works were then performed and recorded at NGS’s Supreme Court Terrace and Padang Atrium on 30 March and 1 April 2021 respectively. The recordings have been made available for viewing on NGS’s YouTube channel. An article by the NGS education outreach team discussing the collaboration has also been published on NGS’s electronic magazine, Perspectives.
This is the fifth year NAFA and NGS have partnered to facilitate an interdisciplinary project. In 2021, the project took place under the supervision of NAFA Adjunct Lecturer, Dance, Cultural Medalion recipient Lim Fei Shen and Vice Dean, Interdisciplinary Studies and Academic Enhancement Unit, Young Artist Award recipient Dr Joyce Koh.
NAFA x National Gallery Singapore – Interdisciplinary creative responses to sculptures by Kim Lim
NAFA collaborates with Royal College of Music to launch Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Instrumental & Vocal Teaching
Together with the Royal College of Music (London), NAFA will be offering a new two-year degree programme for graduates from NAFA’s Diploma in Music Teaching course. The Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Instrumental & Vocal Teaching is the first of its kind in Singapore and is designed for aspiring professional instrumental or vocal musicians in educational contexts. The course received its first intake of students in August 2021.
NAFA collaborates with Royal College of Music to launch Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Instrumental & Vocal Teaching
Virtual International Placement at Royal College of Music (London)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bachelor of Music (Honours) International Placement (London) took place online in 2021. 22 students participated in the placement and subsequently shared about their rich learning during the virtual experience. Prior to the global crisis, final-year students majoring in western instruments had the opportunity to attend the international placement for seven weeks at the prestigious Royal College of Music in London.
SYF 2021 Dance Arts Presentation Preparatory Clinic for Teachers-in-Charge
SYF 2021 Dance Arts Presentation Preparatory Clinic for Teachers-in-Charge
Revised criteria and rubrics for the Singapore Youth Festival Dance Arts Presentation were recently introduced. The NAFA Dance Programme played an integral role in helping secondary school Dance CCA teachers-in-charge understand the revisions at a dance preparatory clinic.
The secondary school teachers watched an excerpt of guest choreographer, Christina Chan’s contemporary dance work to gain an understanding of the new judging criteria and rubrics. A trailer of her piece for The Third Space (which showcased NAFA’s pre-professional dance students) was screened and she introduced her work. Two students also shared their experience of Christina’s creative process and what made dancing the work meaningful for them.
At this insightful clinic, Vice Dean of Dance, Dr Caren Carino, shared about the value of tertiary dance education. To underscore the importance of maintaining a robust Dance CCA in secondary schools, a few NAFA students spoke about how the Dance CCA experience led them to pursue dance at the academy.
The Ngee Ann National Teochew Artists’ Exhibition
Returning for its 22nd run in November 2020 was the annual Ngee Ann National Teochew Artists’ Exhibition. At the online opening ceremony, long-serving NAFA alumnus and former Board Member Poon Lian was named the Ngee Ann Artist of the Year. The exhibition that brought together artists of Teochew descent to celebrate the dialect group’s heritage and tradition could be viewed in-person and virtually.
The Ngee Ann National Teochew Artists’ Exhibition
Exploring Southeast Asia
Exploring Southeast Asia is part of an ongoing series that features the arts of Southeast Asia and Asia. The specially curated showcase from the NAFA Permanent Collection highlighted works that offered rich visual research relating to cultural identity. Through the lens of Singaporean, Malaysian, Indonesian and Thai artists, the exhibition surfaced themes of women, physical landscapes in Southeast Asia as well as patterns and the use of iconologies in art.
As the unpredictability of the pandemic affected visits to the galleries, Exploring Southeast Asia was turned into a 360-degree virtual tour which allowed visitors from anywhere in the world to view the exhibition. Bite-sized information that contextualised the works on display were also provided to give viewers a deeper understanding of the exhibition and Southeast Asia’s cultural identity.
The exhibition was a part of the General Studies 1 and 2 modules that are undertaken by all Year 1 School of Art and Design students. Specific lecture content was conceptualised for the module, which aims to familiarise each 600-strong cohort with local and regional art making. The virtual exhibition was beneficial to students in related assignments as they worked from home.
Exploring Southeast Asia
Ayutthaya II
Ayutthaya II
Ayutthaya II is an academy-wide project that explores the historical and cultural significance of the Ayutthaya Kingdom in Thailand.
Over four days, from 21 to 24 September 2020, more than 160 NAFA students learnt about the distinctive characteristics of Thai art through lectures on the development of traditional motifs and forms. They also participated in an online workshop conducted by Thai principals from Kansadaeng Watthanatham about the body movements of traditional Thai theatre. Along with the overview of theatre genres such as lakhon nok and lakhon nai, students were also exposed to classical Thai instruments and the music of the piphat ensemble.
The workshop was designed to encourage students to explore and adopt multidisciplinary approaches to generate and develop new ideas and insights about the Ayutthaya Kingdom. The expression of these creative outcomes was displayed at Flagship Genius featuring Ayutthaya II.
Southeast Asia has been used as a crucible for research, inspiration, and making in this academy-wide project. Previously, Angkor Wat in Cambodia was the source of inspiration for the project from 2017 to 2019. Renewed perspectives of the Ayutthaya Kingdom were presented at the exhibition titled The Dream of Ayutthaya from 15 September to 18 October 2020. A 360-degree view of the exhibition was put up online to complement the physical exhibition.
White Space: A Legend, the Lady and the Voyager
White Space returned for its third iteration in March 2021. Like previous years, the exhibition provided a platform for artists to share their experimental outcomes and creative processes.
“A Legend, the Lady and the Voyager” refers to the three young artists featured in this exhibition. They are Vimal Kumar and Fitri Ya’akob, who are graduates of the Nanyang Technological University’s School of Art, Design and Media, and NAFA Design and Media alumnus, Antonius. The works on display explored themes related to culture and heritage, human relationships and our social environment. They were accompanied by materials generated during the research process and personal accounts that offered insights into the inspirations and creative processes of the three artists.
Year 1 students from the School of Art and Design were invited to the exhibition as part of their General Studies module. Dialogues with the artists, centred on the different modes of art making, were also held for over 400 students with safe distancing measures in place. The enriching exchange served as a part of NAFA’s mission to inspire learning and growth through the arts. It has provided our students with an opportunity to connect with fellow young artists and empowered them with the confidence to pursue their artistic ideals. The conversations were moderated by the Director of the Institute of Southeast Asian Arts and Art Galleries, Dr Bridget Tracy Tan.
How to Desire Differently
How to Desire Differently was a timely exhibition that contributed a small but significant voice to the heightened ongoing conversation about minority rights worldwide. The content of the exhibition was curated by artists Zulkhairi Zulkiflee and Farizi Noorfauzi, and featured the work of seven other Singaporean artists. The selected artworks delved into the difficult topics of race, gender and sexuality in Singapore and were accompanied by snippets of the artists’ works in progress as well as audio and visual notes. The exhibition which was first launched as an online presentation, was followed by a physical exhibition that took place after the Circuit Breaker.
In conjunction with the exhibition, the Institute of Southeast Asian Arts held the Southeast Asian Art Clinic VII in September 2020. This year’s clinic engaged the diploma and Fine Art degree students from the School of Art and Design on the themes of identity and body politics in Singapore visual arts. In response to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Art Clinic VII was split into a two-part series consisting of an online forum discussion and a hybrid of livestreamed and face-to-face dialogue session with artists Adeline Kueh, Fitri Ya’akob, Jason Wee, Vimal Kumar and Zulkhairi Zulkiflee.
How to Desire Differently
Bangsawan in Singapore, an introductory workshop by Era Dance Theatre (in collaboration with ISEAA and Theatre Programme)
Bangsawan in Singapore, an introductory workshop by Era Dance Theatre (in collaboration with ISEAA and Theatre Programme)
Bangsawan is a type of traditional Malay opera that has inspired an academic collaboration involving more than 30 English and Mandarin Drama students from NAFA’s Theatre Programme, and a group of principals from Era Dance Theatre. Bangsawan features music and dance that is performed by a troupe and is indigenous in various parts of Southeast Asia, specifically the Malay Peninsula, Riau Islands, Sumatra and coastal Borneo. It came to Singapore in 1879 from British-ruled Bombay to provide entertainment for the Indians who worked in the plantations, and as recruits for the British army.
In a two-hour programme for the Southeast Asian Performing Arts module, third-year students were introduced to the history and context of the art form. This was followed by demonstrations of a Bangsawan excerpt first in Malay, and then in English.
In the breakout segment of the programme, the students learnt to use their own words and thoughts to improvise a typical Bangsawan acting scene using stock characters, theatrical conventions, and dialogues in rhyme and prose. The creativity and versatility which the performance of Bangsawan encouraged made for a lively artistic experience.
A song, a whisper and a wish: works from the NAFA Permanent Collection featuring music
Over 13 paintings encompassing the themes and forms of music and their accoutrements, were specially selected from the NAFA Permanent Collection for A song, a whisper and a wish which ran for two weeks in March 2021. The assembly of these works encouraged a novel way of looking at and understanding the relationship visual artists had with the performing arts. The exhibition exemplifies NAFA’s broad-based values of curiosity, creativity and spirit of adventure, as the academy looks to inspire aspiring artists and continues to drive forward as a progressive and leading arts institution in Asia.
A song, a whisper and a wish: works from the NAFA Permanent Collection featuring music
Nanyin and Music Composition with Siong Leng Musical Association (in collaboration with ISEAA and School of Music)
Over a few weeks, 47 students from the School of Music and a group of musicians from Siong Leng Musical Association collaborated in workshops and sectional practice sessions to play and understand Nanyin—a unique genre of traditional music that is part of the cultural heritage of the Minnan people from Southern China.
The academic collaboration took place from 4 January to 15 February 2021 and culminated in a livestreamed performance on NAFA’s YouTube channel. The performance also featured a Nanyin-inspired student composition created during the workshop sessions.
The collaboration was part of the modules Music in Context and Professional Studies (Ensemble).
ARCH: Action Research Chronicles
The Action Research Chronicles (ARCH) virtual showcase was held from 4 to 10 June 2020. 14 ePosters and presentations by NAFA faculty members featuring research they had undertaken from August to November 2019 were on display on the microsite. Topics researched included curriculum design, pedagogical practices, learning efficacy, mentoring, and information literacy. Over seven days, the microsite attracted 900 views, with audiences hailing from Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the United States.
Research in Education and Arts Practice (REAP@NAFA) is a publication by the Pedagogy and Research Unit, which was launched on 31 August 2020. The publication profiles a creative medley of research-informed practices at NAFA. The focal point of the first issue is the documentation of the NAFA faculty’s collective research output from 2014 to 2019. In addition, a 14-month long circle of practice that focuses on creative research methods is featured.
Click here to access REAP@NAFA: Research in Retrospect 2014-2019.
Chingay 2021
Chloe Chua, a violin student from Junior Music, was invited to perform at Singapore’s first-ever digital Chingay parade. The programme aired on national television on 20 February 2021. She was subsequently invited to the Appreciation Lunch for Major Contributors hosted by President Halimah Yacob at the Istana on 24 February 2021.
Chingay 2021
School of Young Talents (SYT) students win several awards at virtual competitions
NAFA’s SYT students continue to excel in music competitions held locally and across the globe. We congratulate their outstanding performances in the following online competitions.
Junior Dance
Asian Grand Prix 2020, Regional Ballet Competition:
One Gold Award
(Junior Division Classical Ballet)
One Bronze Award
(Performance B Division Classical Ballet)
Youth Arts Festival:
Three Silver Awards
(age 9, age 12 and age 13-14 Solo categories)
One Bronze Award
(age 9 Solo category)
Junior MUSIC
Singapore Chinese Music Competition 2020: Clean sweep of awards in the Pipa Junior category
Three 1st Prizes
Three 2nd Prizes
Two 3rd Prizes
5th Steinway Youth Piano Competition:
Three 1st prizes
(Amateur Class)
1st Prize and 2nd Prize
(Professional Class)
Concorso Internazionale per Giovani Violinisti 2020:
1st Prize in Group A – Children
(under 11 years old category)
Junior ART
21st Kanagawa Biennial World Children’s Art Exhibition:
Out of 8,062 entries from 56 countries, Singapore received four awards at the 21st Kanagawa Biennial World Children’s Art Exhibition, two of which were for submissions from NAFA’s School of Young Talents. Matthias Ashley D’Cotta (age 8) and Matthias Alexandra Ong (age 5) won the YMCA and Kanagawa Awards respectively.
Junior DRAMA
Singapore Performing Arts Festival:
Gold Star Award
(Performance Ensemble)
Our Talents
Vice Dean, Pedagogy and Research Unit; Senior Lecturer, Music
Dr Kan was invited to present at the Music in Schools and Teacher Education Commission (MISTEC) Seminar in July 2020. MISTEC 2020 was originally slated to take place in Tallinn, Estonia, but was moved online like many events during the pandemic. The virtual seminar was livestreamed on Facebook and posted on the International Society for Music Education (ISME) MISTEC YouTube channel after the seminar concluded.
Dr Kan also recently published a peer-reviewed paper titled “Students’ use of learning management systems and desired e-learning experiences: are they ready for next generation digital learning environments?” with Dr Joyce Hwee Ling Koh (University of Otago, Higher Education Development Centre) in the Higher Education Research and Development journal. The study surveyed 262 visual arts students at NAFA. The results showed that when students frequently use learning management systems for content learning and discussion, they also desire to engage in student-centred e-learning activities and to use e-learning systems that support content curation, private group management, and mobile interoperability.
Principal Teaching Fellow, Theatre
At the invitation of the International Brecht Society, Dr Yu contributed a book review titled Cultural Interweaving Assessment: Zhang Wei’s Book of Chinese Adaptations of Brecht: Appropriation and Intertextuality, for the Brecht Yearbook.
Programme Leader and Lecturer, Fine Art
For her curated showcase of exhibition and performance, Kimberly received top honours at Art Exchange 2020 for her submission as faculty. The work titled Image+Body featured the photography and performance art practices of NAFA’s Fine Art alumni and current students. Art Exchange 2020 is an international artistic online exhibition and competition by the Princess Sirivannavari Cultivated Arts Foundation that provides a platform for the exchange of diverse creative ideas, academic and industry exposure, and artistic appreciation. The theme of Art Exchange 2020 was “Imagine” Artistic Dialects: Thinking into Doing.
Acting Programme Leader (Mandarin Drama) and Lecturer, Theatre
Rei Poh is the founder and Artistic Director of ATTEMPTS, a theatre collective that aims to engage and provoke by transforming the audience into players through participatory performances, hence also providing a playground for like-minded artists to play and create their journeys. The collective made its debut in 2018 at the M1 Singapore Fringe Festival with ATTEMPTS: SINGAPORE, which was developed in residence at Centre 42.
In 2020, ATTEMPTS staged the third edition of Dating Sim (beta) online, a 60-minute participatory theatrical experience that simulates an interactive dating game. The audience was given the opportunity to examine their agency and prejudices in modern dating and relationships. This virtual version follows two successful sold-out in-person editions in 2019 and 2020.
Year 3, Diploma in Design (Interior and Exhibition)
Sheryka won the AkzoNobel Colour Award at the Young Designer Award 2020 organised by Design Intervention. Sheryka also received Honorary Mention in the Youth Category for Best in Exhibition Design at the Singapore Interior Design Awards 2020.
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Fine Art
Kimberley’s first solo exhibition, My Journey, is a poignant tribute to her father who passed away from cancer in 2019. The collection, which consists of acrylic and oil paintings as well as drawings in ink and graphite, was presented at Artemis Art in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Although the exhibition represented a difficult period in Kimberley’s life, the exhibition’s narrative is also one of hope and acceptance, and reflected her resolution to stay strong in the face of adversity. My Journey was featured in The Star in November 2020.
Diploma in Fashion Merchandising and Marketing, 2011
In June 2020, Li Wan’s creations using recycled plastics were featured on the popular travel and lifestyle website, The Smart Local. Li Wan who is based in Johor, Malaysia, turns pantry staples into eye-catching handmade bags, under the label WAn’s Handmade. In the brand’s latest trendy offerings, the packaging of iconic regional brands such as Gardenia and Hup Seng Cream Crackers were repurposed to create unconventional handbags.
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 3D Design:
New Practice, 2014
Diploma in 3D Design, 2013
NAFA 3D Design Alumni Chapter member
Celine is the founder of Fraction Design Studio. The studio specialises in exhibition design and provides bespoke services to clients. This has resulted in several meaningful and creative collaborations that have been recognised internationally. Fraction Design Studio was the recipient of Taiwan’s coveted Golden Pin Design Award 2019. The studio had also exhibited at the Milan Design Market in 2019 as well as the Korea International Furniture and Interior Fair in 2018. Most recently, the studio was also involved in launching Singapore’s first-ever virtual mall for the Great Singapore Sale in 2020. The talented artist’s creative journey was featured in CNA Lifestyle in March 2021.
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Music, 2009
Diploma in Music, 2006
NAFA Music Alumni Chapter member
Darius is the Founder and Artistic Director of the Voices of Singapore (VOS) and is presently one of the most sought-after Singaporean choral composer-conductors. During the Circuit Breaker that was enforced in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, VOS brought together a virtual choir of 900 voices to perform the Singaporean classic “Home”, by composer Dick Lee. The heartwarming video premiered on 14 April 2020 and featured choral members from 26 different countries. Through this project, Darius and his team has fulfilled VOS’ ongoing mission to make choral music accessible to all.
Sabril Amin Bin Muhammad Fawzie
Diploma in Dance, 2020
When Sabril enrolled with NAFA, he received the NAFA Talent Scholarship (Diploma) and was selected for the NAFA Talent Development programme. Upon graduation in 2020, he was recognised for his outstanding performance and was awarded the NAFA Best Graduate Award (Diploma). Outside of school, he received the prestigious Anugerah Belia Cemerlang MENDAKI which aims to inspire the community towards embracing lifelong learning and support youths in their quest to attain various peaks of excellence, and the Yayasan MENDAKI’s Academic Achievement Award.
NAFA Scholars Give Back
The inaugural Scholars Give Back Series was the first time NAFA organised an online fundraising series of performances. The four-part series which was launched on 2 December 2020 comprised 12 performances presented by 14 alumni scholars from the School of Music (SOM). The series also involved current students and faculty, and was programmed by Dr Zechariah Goh Toh Chai, Head of Composition Studies at SOM.
With several of NAFA’s regular fundraising initiatives cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it became necessary for the academy to engage donors and benefactors digitally. As a not-for-profit organisation with an Institution of a Public Character status, NAFA is reliant on donations to nurture creative talents to realise their dreams.
The Scholars Give Back series embodied the NAFA spirit of creativity, exploration and resilience and donors certainly recognised the collective effort as donations surpassed the initial goal of S$10,000. In total, S$13,813 was raised. All funds raised were channelled to the NAFA Education Fund for scholarships and financial awards which recognise academic achievements and assist underprivileged students with education costs.
Although this was the first time the series was organised, alumni scholars recognised it as a meaningful platform to pay it forward and lend a helping hand to their juniors who faced similar circumstances as they previously did. It was also a good opportunity for alumni to showcase their artistic development and many hoped that this would motivate others to give back to the academy through their talents.
NAFA Scholars Give Back
S$150,000 donation for a Steinway Grand Piano
The School of Young Talents is glad to have received a donation of S$150,000 from Mr Christopher and Mrs Rosy Ho for the purchase of a Steinway grand piano during these challenging economic times. The Steinway grand presents richer learning opportunities for music students in their learning journey.
NAFA Food Donation Drive
NAFA Food Donation Drive
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about hardship for many in Singapore. Major food charities have reported an increase in demand for food as individuals face job loss or a drop in income.
In December 2020, the NAFA Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee, together with the Office of Student Care, rallied the NAFA family to participate in a food donation drive for less privileged families who are beneficiaries of local non-profit organisation Food from the Heart. The donation drive raised S$5,910 and 274 food packs, exceeding the initial target of 100 food packs.
50 staff and student volunteers then came together to pack the donated food items and pen encouraging notes for the beneficiaries.
A big thank you to all who supported the NAFA food donation drive! #nafagratitude
For more than 80 years, NAFA has nurtured individual creative expression and inspired those who dare to dream. Our mission is to support talented individuals who lack the financial means but possess passion, ambition and the drive to excel. Every donation to NAFA makes a difference. Regardless of the amount, every contribution is an investment in Singapore’s future creative talent so that:
Students can concentrate fully on their studies, without having to work part-time
Deserving students can receive an education despite financial limitations
NAFA can support more talented students
Tax deductible at 2.5
times your gift value
Opportunities for naming rights
Acknowledgment and recognition on NAFA’s communication platforms
Eligible for government matching grants
Scholarships, merit
awards and bursaries
Relief fund for sudden financial hardship
Awards to recognise
student achievements
during graduation shows
and convocation
Arts grant for leadership
and development
Simply scan and donate. Key in givetonafa in the reference field. Should you require a tax deduction (for donations > S$10), please provide your mobile number for us to get in touch with you.
Alternatively, let us help you to maximise the impact of your gift to NAFA! Have a chat with us at or 6512 4016. Together, we can nurture and inspire the next generation of creative talents and help deserving students realise their dreams.
NAFA is extremely grateful to one of our long-standing benefactors—The Ngee Ann Kongsi—for readily responding to our appeal and donating S$96,600 to set up The Ngee Ann Kongsi Emergency Relief Fund for COVID-19 in July 2020. The Relief Fund provided a lifeline to students who were hard hit by the pandemic and was disbursed to help students purchase essential needs during this challenging period.
Mr James Teo Wee Wee, President of The Ngee Ann Kongsi 46th Committee of Management, articulated their commitment to remaining a strong advocate of education: “We hope that The Ngee Ann Kongsi Emergency Relief Fund can help the students set aside their financial worries, tide them over this difficult period, and remain undeterred in their educational pursuits.”
In 2019, Mr Loh Jian Hao pledged to donate S$24,500 annually to set up scholarships and financial awards for talented NAFA students from disadvantaged backgrounds. When he learnt of the plight of NAFA students who were struggling to cope with the pandemic, Mr Loh generously donated another S$10,000 to provide immediate financial aid.
As a beneficiary of an overseas scholarship to the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London in 2002, Mr Loh was able to afford the expenses of living in London in spite of an exchange rate that favoured the British pound.
"I cannot imagine how financially challenging it was already for many low-income students before the pandemic and it has impacted them such that even daily expenses are a struggle. I am grateful to play a small part in contributing to the mission of education,” said Mr Loh.
Ho Christopher Wing On
Tan Chay Bing Education Fund
Temasek Foundation International CLG Limited
The Ngee Ann Kongsi
Chuah Chee Leng Gerard
HiArt Pte Ltd
Loh Jian Hao
National Parks Board
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited
Pang Kok Lian
Singapore Totalisator Board
Tan Chin Tuan Foundation
Tan Ean Kiam Foundation
The Masonic Charitable Fund
The Yong Family
United Overseas Bank Limited
Asia Industrial Development (Pte) Ltd
BR Metals Pte Ltd
Chia Mia Chiang
Goh Toh Chai
Ho Hui May
Hoong Bee Lok
Kan Shook Wah
Kishin S/O Raj Kumar Hiranandani
Lam Thye Hang Pte Ltd
Lee Kheng Chei
Low Sin Leng
Ma Han Yeau
Tan Choo Pheck
Teo Tzai Win Melvin
Teoh Leong Kay
Yuen Siu Mun
Brandon Tang Wen Kai
Diploma in Dance
Palaruan Jyanne Von Jagow Lagumen
Diploma in Theatre (English Drama)
Ahbirami Shalini D/O Ramesh
Diploma in Graphic Communication
Koh Rui Ling Christine
Diploma in Theatre (English Drama)
Natara Aaliyah Lim Su En
Diploma in Arts Management
Ashley Fong Cheok Wei
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Theatre Arts
Kang Joo Soon
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Arts Management
Cheng Jia Wei
Diploma in Fashion Design
Heven Chan Heng Kim
Diploma in Theatre (Mandarin Drama)
Jasslyne Oh Jia Yinn
Diploma in Illustration Design with Animation
Koh Cheng Ya
Diploma in Music
Wee Yun Lin, Tricia
Diploma in Arts Management
Tew Jing Jong
Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Yeo Zhe Qi
Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Loh Hui Lin
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Fashion
Chew Kai Xin
Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Jesselyne Onggie
Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Tsai Gin-Tzu
Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Aldrich Hezekiah
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Design and Media
Josephine Natasha Kurniawati Herlambang
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Spatial Design
Le Tran Ngoc Linh
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Spatial Design
Lim Junjie
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Theatre Arts
Looi En Qi
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Fashion
Andine Elaina
Diploma in Dance
Michelle Wong Zi Xin
Diploma in Fine Art
Rainer Christopher
Diploma in Illustration Design with Animation
Sheryka Umaya
Diploma in Design (Interior and Exhibition)
Tan Ting Yan, Rebecca
Diploma in Music
Tricia Seraphina Tham
Diploma in Arts Management
Velda Emmeline Wijaya
Diploma in Graphic Communication
Cherie Genevieve Wong Qing Qing
Diploma in Dance
Sophie Lim Yann Yu
Diploma in Dance
Tan Yu Xuan Valerie
Diploma in Dance
Custodio Pia Angela Paz
Diploma in Dance
Lakanasirorat Thantakorn
Diploma in Music
Michelle Lim Qian Yee
Diploma in Music
Pratummes Naphaswan
Diploma in Dance
Chee Jun Sian
Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Lim Ying Xuan Jonelle
Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Tan Yun Qu
Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Luo Tianze
Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Ang Zhi Yan
Diploma in Fine Art
Arista Theodora Victoria Suiwito
Diploma in Design
(Landscape and Architecture)
Aura Qonita Binte Fatholmoein
Diploma in Illustration Design with Animation
Iffah Afrina Puteri Rosli
Diploma in Fashion Design
Koh Yu Jie
Diploma in Music
Solomon Ho Hon Mun
Diploma in Music
Diploma in Fashion Design
Michael Widya
Diploma in Design
(Landscape and Architecture)
Natalie Linn Titus
Diploma in Theatre (English Drama)
Ng Yun Hui, Sherra
Diploma in Music
Sarmiento Cyril Dominic Bambico
Diploma in Screen Media
Umi Akilah Binte Hishamudin
Diploma in Arts Management
Muhammad Irfan Bin Zakariah
Diploma in Graphic Communication
Nadya Kusumadarma
Diploma in Fine Art
Gavin Girish Rozario
Diploma in Arts Management
Kenenza Michiko Hasan
Diploma in Fine Art
Joyvana Philbertha Andojoputri
Diploma in Arts Management
Lee Yuan Ching, Jaime
Diploma in Dance
Anastasha Binte Muhammad Irhan Perry Abdullah
Diploma in Theatre (English Drama)
Iffah Adlina Binte Rahmat
Diploma in Fashion Design
Muhammad Amirul Mukminin Bin Abdullah
Diploma in Theatre (English Drama)
Nur Afiqah Binte Ahmad
Diploma in Arts Management
Sharifah Fatihah Aljunied
Diploma in Theatre (English Drama)
Tan Long Hao, Palmer
Diploma in Fine Art
Nicholas Long Teng Min
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Fine Art Practice
14 Portraits After Hockney
Ink and Highlighter
Bhutani Arushi
Diploma in Design (Landscape and Architecture)
House of Flight
Digital rendering